A lot of TV series that ran for many seasons e.g. Ally McBeal, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, all started off with a great plot but over time, the script writing got a bit tired and viewers were treated with a formulaic but dry storyline that dragged on for years before they finally ended their run. Don’t get me wrong. I loved the above TV series very, very much. Anyway, back to ‘Ghost Whisperer’.
Essentially, the series is about the lead protagonist Melinda Gordon (actress Jennifer Love Hewitt from ‘I Know What You Did Last Summer’), a small town girl resident of Green View gifted or cursed (depending on how you look at it) with the ability to see ghosts since young. She actually has a greater calling than just being a ghost watcher.
Frankly, this is not your typical ghost show with vengeful spirits that go around scaring people. It is much more than that and actually has a plot, and a great one too (at least up till now). The writers built on the dead to weave their interesting stories, and it is actually more about life, love, relationships, friendship, humanity, death, trust and faith etc. There were many episodes which I shared and could relate to what she was going through in emotions and I actually shed tears over the sad stories and endings.
Week after week, viewers watched how she grappled with her own issues and went around helping the earthbound spirits (that was what the ghosts were called because they had some unfinished business to settle) resolved their issues before crossing over to the light (heaven) and helped the victim’s families come to terms with their passing. She often had to deliver the good/bad news to the families that their beloved ones were still lingering around and there were often a lot of negative emotions e.g. shame, guilt, disbelief, to deal with but it often ended well for the ghosts as most of them eventually crossed over.
There were some dull moments when the script writers probably ran out of ideas but overall, it is still good with a lot of cliffhangers in most episodes and seasons that make viewers like me beg for more. It doesn’t harm that she always manages to look so pretty in every frame despite everything that she went through and how sad she looked and felt. I think this is her best movie/TV role thus far.
Something or someone evil is hatching a sinister plot that will claim a lot of victims and wants her out of the way as she is an important key to save the souls. In her search for the truth, in this latest fourth season, her husband Jim became a death victim himself and viewers watched how he defied all odds not to cross over and possessed a dead victim so that he could always be with her. It didn't end there because he did not remember anything about his past and she was all torn up trying to get back with him and struggling at the same time to help others. That’s all I can share for now as it is still showing on TV.
I hope the viewers like the show as much as I do and catch it while it is still showing.