26 October 2011


I missed this 2009 movie on love when it was screened at the cinemas but finally managed to catch it when it was recently shown on television. Frankly, I love watching movies with a huge ensemble cast of well-known actors and actresses, so I was looking forward to watching it especially when some were my favourites.

I don't even know where to begin listing down the actors and actresses, so I will do so alphabetically:
  • Ben Affleck
  • Bradley Cooper
  • Drew Barrymore
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Jennifer Connelly
  • Kevin Connolly
  • Scarlett Johansson
In fact, the only unknown to me is Ginnifer Goodwin, who played the central character looking for love. The movie explored the love relationships between Jennifer A. and Ben, Scarlett, Kevin and Drew, Jennifer C. and Bradley, Justin and Ginnifer. In the end, there were both success and failed stories to be told e.g. a long term relationship seemingly going nowhere ended up in marriage whilst a supposedly happy marriage ended up in divorce. Nothing was really what it seemed as each and every individual had their own takes on and expectations in love, relationships etc, and eventually experienced different outcomes. Some were finally blissfully happy while others were sad and lonely. It goes to show that every relationship is different and one cannot apply a single formula to make them work for everyone.

I felt this movie had a lot of potential to be fantastic but turned out to be a disappointment because there were too many characters involved and there was just insufficient time to explore all of them in detail. What a waste!