28 November 2011


I have not taken this path to HortPark for a while now. It is always a joy to walk along this minor road to the park as it feels like walking down memory lane.

Just look at the Melastoma malabathricum and its pulpy fruits. It looked so yummy that I felt like chewing on it. Perhaps one day I would do that. At least then I would know what the birds and some butterflies like about it? 

As for the mushrooms, if only they are edible, I would have picked them and cooked it.

In the nursery, I spotted the variegated Lantana camara that I bought from Thailand. The only surviving one of the three is finally looking good. Unfortunately, I can tell it is not a very vigorous shrub since it took so much time and effort to get it to grow well and I have not even started talking about its propagation.

It was a pleasant surprise to see the white flower Datura metel again and I hope it can be planted out in our parks and gardens soon.

Over at HortPark, the Beaumontia and Clerodendrum quadriloculare from Thailand have grown considerably since the last time I saw them. The huge Saraca indica planted in the previous Recycling Garden looked stressed with its slightly bare crown but the good thing was the new leaf flushes were out. Hopefully with the recent rains, it would start to recover faster to restore its beautiful crown of green leaves and vermillion flowers.