These are some of the bromeliads on the Cool Dry Bund. The colours are more vibrant under the full sun conditions. The Lantana montevidensis is growing so well at this corner that it is sprawling onto another green brom.
At the SilverLeaf Garden, the Butia capitata was producing masses of fruits. The Supertrees planted with Tillandsias and other plants looked amazing.
Next to the filter bed, the Plain Tiger butterfly was flitting around the Wrightia religiosa shrub. Looking up the stairs from the base of the Chinese Garden, the scenery reminds me of a conifer forest. Near the area is a Barringtonia acutangula planted at the base of the slope. At the other flight of stairs were planted rows of droopy Leptospermum madidum ssp. sativum. A pink Calliandra haematocephala, a red Calliandra tergemina var. emarginata and beds of red Russelia equisetiformis stood out from amongst the light green vegetation.