I had a weird dream this morning but I don't know how to interpret it.
It started with me driving a buggy with about six to eight people on it, including my colleagues. I was driving along a straight stretch of road and on the left were various developments. I was sort of showing them the landscape planting in front of these developments and when we reached the end of the road, I made a u-turn to drive back to where we came from. However, I discovered that the road that I drove on had now become a public road and I could no longer drive on it because the buggy is not meant to be driven on public roads.
To make matters worse, the brake of the buggy wasn't working properly and there were a few instances where I tried to avoid oncoming vehicles and had problems with the braking. Nevertheless, I managed to avert any accidents and remembered stopping the buggy on time before it went into a drain. I turned around and asked those on board for help to push the buggy back because there was no more forward room to manoeuvre the buggy. However, no one gave any indication that they were willing to help. So I moved to the front of the buggy and pushed the buggy back.
Somehow that was when I woke up. I told a friend about it and he commented that it signified that there was no turning back.