Anyway, just 2 weeks ago, Gardens by the Bay was abuzz with lots of flowers. To cut things short, I will just list down the locations and species that I am highlighting here:
- Chinese Garden - Mayodendron igneum (Synonym: Radermachera ignea), Phyllocarpus septentrionalis which I saw flowering for the first time since I have not seen the one I planted in HortPark in bloom before, Cymbidium ensifolium, Hibiscus mutabilis
- Hub & Colonial Garden - Grammatophyllum speciosum which was flowering synchronously in the gardens where some had at least 13 spikes when we counted them
- Meadows & Baby - Posoqueria latifolia, Calotropis gigantea and Afgekia sericea
- Discovery - Commelina (Family: Commelinaceae) with blue flowers