23 October 2013


Gravity, starring one of my favourite actresses Sandra Bullock, is almost a one character movie. If not for George Clooney's brief but comedic cameo, it would definitely be so.

Such one person movies are difficult to carry through to the end without boring the audience or testing their patience. Just like the movie "Buried" starring Ryan Reynolds, how well received the movie is depends solely on the acting prowess of the actor or actress who is single-handedly responsible for the box office ratings.

Sandra looked visibly older and shrunken since the last time I saw her movie. Out alone in outer space, she had to combat her fears and worked against time to save herself and returned back to earth in one piece.

Was I impressed or entertained by her performance? Hardly, I would say. It was just alright and commendable for me. I guess such standalone movies don't quite appeal to me unless the performance deserves a standing ovation. Of course the critics and audience may not agree with me judging from how well the movie performed at the US box office and overtook the new movie "Carrie" over the opening weeks.