25 January 2015


I have waited for this movie for some time now especially since I love the first two parts.

With the same cast ensemble comprising Liam Neeson as Bryan Mills, Maggie Grace as Kim Mills, Famke Janssen as Bryan's ex-wife Lenore St. John, Dougray Scott as Stuart St. John and a new member Forest Whitaker as Inspector Franck Dotlzer, the story progressed rather lazily in the first half an hour until Lenore got murdered. That was when the pace picked up, the plot thickened and the action began.

Liam Neeson didn't seem as intimidating in this movie than when he was in the first movie perhaps because of age, but his voice was still certainly commanding and sexy for his age. Thankfully, Maggie Grace wasn't acting like a teenager and freaking out easily anymore, which was really irritating in the earlier movies.

The rest of the movie was kind of predictable in that no matter how many enemies were up against him, the ex-operative with the help of a few friends in this movie eventually eliminated all of them, except for one. I think the movie has lost some of its lustre and the formulaic success was no longer enough to keep me riveted to the chair.

Will there be a part 4? I don't know and guess it would depend on the box office takings for this movie. 
Bryan Mills with daughter Kim

this will be the last we see of Famke as Lenore

Stuart St. John

Inspector Franck Dotlzer

Bryan dueling with one of the villains Oleg Malankov