03 May 2016


These are photos taken yesterday at Gardens by the Bay. 

The crowd at the Flower Dome was unbelievable. The current Tulipmania is based on a Turkish theme. After the removal of some of the trees around the valley area, the entire area became very opened.

remnants of Cherry Blossom trees

Alice in Gardens by the Bay, not Wonderland
the rabbit
a bleached Winnie the Pooh

water fountains add to the height and movement

frilled petaled flowers are one of my favourites

plants at the Satay by the Bay
Quassia amara

the Bougainvillea and Russelia on the rooftop are growing well

I have not taken photos of this Saraca indica for a long while

the beautiful orange flowers
I am glad this Duranta recovered

floral buds of Ixora 'Vietnam Red'

Ixora caesia
Monstera deliciosa
a blooming inflorescence

there were a number of Carrion Flower blooms

it looks like a star

view from the highest top

remnant hanging blooms of Cherry Blossom tree

the remaining flowering Phlox

the Carob tree

I wish local nurseries would sell Heuchera

the Aquilegia (Columbian Flower)

the forever blooming double-petaled Fuchsia

the interactive panel was replaced by these flowers
miniature gardens by Changi Airport Group