It is a weeds galore at the flood plains area of Bishan Park. There are lots of weeds like Portulaca oleracea (common name: Pigweed; Family: Portulacaceae), a butterfly host plant, some Fabaceae weed, an annual kind of weed, a Coreopsis tinctoria (common name: Plains Coreopsis, Calliopsis; Family: Asteraceae/Compositae), two Ludwigia (Family: Onagraceae) weed species, a Melinis repens (common name: Rose Natal Grass; Family: Poaceae/Gramineae) and some Cyperus (Family: Cyperaceae) weeds.
Who says weeds must always be ugly and relegated to a lower level? If some of these weeds take over the areas and slopes, we would have a beautiful meadow.
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