08 February 2012


I have not been here for some time now. It had been almost 8 years since I started the floriculture display of annuals at this bed in front of the reflective pool.

The recent display using Celosia cultivar, Cosmos cultivar and Gomphrena globosa is so refreshing.

At the other end of the park, the Dendrobium secundum and either the Rhycostylis, Rhycorides or Aerides (common name: Foxtail Orchid) I tried out on the Filicium decipiens and coconut palm are still around although they were not in flower. I have not seen them in bloom there but I am quite sure they would have done so sometime even though I do not know if anyone has ever noticed or appreciated them. Other orchids, such as the Oncidium on the Angsana tree, were either dead or were presumably removed from the tree branches after pruning.