The isolated island beds in Bishan Park II were planted up sparsely with Lagerstroemia indica, Imperata cylindrica 'Rubra' (synonym: I. cylindrica 'Red Baron'; common name: Japanese Blood Grass; Family: Poaceae), Iris domestica (synonym: Belamcanda chinensis; common name: Leopard Lily, Blackberry Lily; Family: Iridaceae) and Crinum. Two links on the Japanese Blood Grass are shown below:
There was an interesting small tree with small white flowers, orange fruits with a purplish pulp near the skating ring area. Across the bridge beside the flood plains is the new McDonald's outlet. Up in the sky, a brahminy kite flew by but I did not manage to take a good photo of it. On the ground, camouflaged against the river bed was a Little Egret basking itself on a boulder under the sun.