22 April 2011


Sometimes, it is interesting to look at things with a different perspective just by looking them from an aerial view. At the Floral Walk, one can look at the landscape from the bridge going up to the Alexandra Arch linking to the Southern Ridges.

From where I was standing, I was looking at a Chocolate Soldier (scientific name: Junonia iphita) sipping nectar from the white flowers of the aggressive climbing weed Smilax aspera growing on the crown of the trees at Floral Walk.

I love to see the different colours and textures of the 2 trees that I planted - Amesiodendron chinense and Caesalpinia ferrea. The former was displaying some nutrient deficiency symptoms but its slightly feathery-like leaves were lighter in colour.

Across the other side of the Alexandra Arch, I took the photos of the flowering Albizia falcata. Walking back towards Floral Walk, I also noticed that the crown of the Amesiodendron showed a 2 tone colour - a lighter green and a light cream colour. Deep inside the crown were the heavily damaged older green leaves caused by chewing insects. There was no sign of any pests on the leaves though.