24 December 2010


I don't know what is this plant on the top with small leaves with a decussate arrangement and trailing stems. I like the flowing effect it provided and was keen to try out a new plant, so I ended up with impulse buying again. I planted it in my tall planter and allowed the long stems to trail over. There was a beautiful garden weed in it, which prompted me to buy this plant too.

I mentioned about some of the other house plants e.g. Lantana montevidensis, Dissotis rotundifolia floral bud, variegated Aptenia cordifolia leaves, Impatiens walleriana and Qisqualis indica new leaves in a post yesterday, so I took their photos when I was free earlier and here they are. In the photos are also 2 Impatiens balsamina (common name: Balsam) plants that I grew from the seeds collected from the Carpark Garden. They are quite big now and should be flowering soon.