For one, my Brugmansia in the right planter is no longer visible here. I uprooted and discarded the old one because it was rotting, dying and no longer growing actively. Thankfully, I took numerous cuttings that are now growing well. Hopefully with time, I can see the beautiful blooms again.
Then I transplanted the Quisqualis indica from the right to the left planter where the Lonicera was removed. Initially, it shed all its leaves but new leaves can be seen growing on the almost bare branches. To my own surprise, I found that I did not post anything about these two plants partly because they never looked too good here although the Lonicera did flower rather regularly and gave out a nice fragrance. The Mirabilis jalapa, the seeds which I collected from the neighbourhood garden, is growing kind of big but has not produced any flowers yet.
Strangely, the variegated Aptenia cordifolia is growing so well that it is scrambling down the wall but I do not see the red flowers. I wonder why I have never posted about this plant before. When it does flower, I will give it some attention and post it here. The Dissotis rotundifolia that I grew for months now is finally sprawling over the edge and I can see lots of flower buds on the plant, so I can expect to see the open flowers soon. On the left, the Lantana montevidensis that I bought about 2 months back has rewarded me with nice purplish inflorescences and I am pretty sure it is just a matter of time before it drapes over the parapet too. The pink Impatiens walleriana that I bought from Nex is also showing off its pinkish flowers.
In the right planter, the Antigonon leptopus was pruned back to the base and now the new green heart-shaped leaves are growing down once again. On the far right, my Petraeovitex wolfei vine looked so yellow and miserable, unlike the photos posted earlier. I realised it is suffering from a serious case of nutrient deficiency and lack of water and I am now trying to revive it. The over-zealous Lantana camara growing all over it does not help, but I decided to leave the beautiful blooms intact as they are just so pretty. The Hamelia patens is growing much bigger now.
There would be more updates as my little garden changes.

There would be more updates as my little garden changes.