01 January 2012


Today's weather - stormy

I wanted to complete the posts on the Sarawak trip before the end of the year but I guess it was not meant to be.

Anyway, we visited the Semenggoh Wildlife Centre and saw a lot of interesting plants e.g. Mesua borneensis (synonym: Kayea borneensis). There were quite a number of fascinating creatures too, such as the yellow centipede. The mosses and Lycopodium growing on the trees and ground were so beautiful.

At the centre, it was Orang Utan feeding time and many tourists actually went there to see the activity. However, the apes remained elusive and just when most people were leaving, a family of them came out, grabbing the food that was tied to the trees to lure them out. We were warned not to get too near to them because there were past vicious attacks on visitors before. So I stood at a distance to capture their photos.

NB on 3 Apr 14: This is a Raphidophora creeper.