05 June 2011


These are evidences of more interesting flora and fauna at the park.

The Little Heron (scientific name: Butorides striatus) is a common resident here, especially along the rock bund of the rip rap wall. Its plumage coloration helps it to blend into the concrete and water. Only when one hears its call or when it takes flight that its presence is noticed.

I spotted some Passiflora foetida weeds growing amongst the thick ground cover of Ipomoea pes-caprae on the rip rap wall. This explains why I occasionally observe the Tawny Coster butterfly flying around in the park and amongst the dense undergrowth.

By chance, I saw a Black-Headed Munia taking a bath in a ground puddle of muddy water. There is no way this is the same bird I saw earlier right? It has to be another individual.