07 December 2009


I was stung by this moth caterpillar on 2 Dec 09! I cannot believe it!

I brought 3 of them home from SBG's Syzygium plant at the Raffles Building car park. After I walked my dog, I noticed 1 caterpillar was climbing on an empty plastic container, and so with my bare hands, I pinched it off the container and transferred it into the plastic bag. That was when I suddenly felt a burning sensation on the thumb and finger which I used to grab the caterpillar.

I was slightly paranoid but fortunately nothing bad happened. I did not develop any allergy or what. The fingers just felt pain. After consulting an expert, I found it to be a Parasa chloris moth caterpillar. Apparently it's quite commonly seen and its back has spines etc that help to ward of predators.