11 December 2009


I was stung by this caterpillar of the moth Parasa chloris on 3 Dec 09. You heard right, it was a stinging caterpillar! What a fright it caused me.

I collected 3 of them from the car park of rb on a Syzygium tree and some time at night, I transferred it using my bare hands when one of them tried to crawl out. Immediately I felt a stinging sensation on my fingers.

I have reasons to panic because I am allergic to some insect stings and was rushed to the A&E twice because I developed severe hives and breathing difficulties.

I panicked for a while and googled it soon after because I do not want to die from a butterfly caterpillar sting. Can you imagine how stupid that would be? Fortunately, the sting was more harmless than it seemed! The photo showed one of them developing into a cocoon. Maybe that was the one that stung me and was too embarassed to face me the next day!

Although I know how it looks as an adult moth, I will post the moth photo when they eclosed.