29 August 2010


This is a view that I always enjoy although I was on the wrong side of it. I eyed the shelter for quite some time and when it was affected by some works, I moved in on the kill, I mean moved in to request for it to be relocated to this corner of the garden.

To me, this was a strategic corner and sitting on the bench within the shelter looking out was an enjoyable experience. I then added the Plumbagos, Bougainvilleas, white-flower Thunbergias and pinkish-flower Stachytarpheta to accentuate the landscape.

I have a few grouses though - the Stachytarphetas were allowed to grow too much and blocked the view from the shelter, the Bougainvilleas and Thunbergias were not fertilized enough, the Syzygium campanulatum (red-leaved) were overpruned at the base. The latter was my fault because I didn't give specific instructions on it.

I wasn't supposed to do that, but I planted the light bluish-white flower Thunbergia to partially block the red fire hydrant. Towards the right above the directional signage, the variegated Ceiba that I posted previously was peeping above the Syzygium hedge.

Whilst all the featured plants have small leaves, I love the strong contrast in the colours of this landscape.