17 July 2011


The Land Art Exhibition is on at the Singapore Botanic Gardens from 8-24 Jul 11.

What is Land Art and what has the Little Red Riding Hood got to do with this? Check out the link below for some reference:


The first land art display shown here is titled 'Bloom' and was inspired by a cleaner sweeping the floor. Made out of palm fronds, the message is to keep our living environment clean.

The second display here is 'Far Away Tree' inspired by the beauty of the roots of the tree. The extended roots are actually Smilax vines and the display is meant to remind us that regardless of how far we go, we should never forget our roots.

The third art installation is known as 'The Fly Away Bird' and was put together using parts of a palm and the bird's nest is the dried inflorescence. We have to protect our nature, otherwise the birds would someday be gone too.

Are these inspiring enough? Check out all the displays for a full picture of the whole exhibition.