28 September 2010


I seldom post about trees because for one, I find it difficult to capture nice photos of them against a green attractive background. But once in a while, I do like to share something about common or uncommon trees in our landscape despite the above issue.

Anyway, I am posting about this Erythrophleum guineense (synonym: E. suaveolens) tree from the Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Family. This tree has been around for some time and they were planted not because of their flowers, but rather because of their healthy green appearance with tufts of green pinnate leaves that give an attractive layered feel. The new leaves appear orangey-yellow before rapidly turning green. In addition, they do not seem to have any pests and diseases problems, and hence were rather popular as shade providing trees in the past.

In recent years, their planting has probably slowed down because they make way for more uncommon and interesting trees to add diversity to the landscape.