21 December 2010


Labrador Nature Reserve or Labrador Park, as it was once known, is one of the few coastal parks with an interesting and rich history. Anyway, so there I was, checking out the park on one of those days.

There are quite a few stunted trees in the area. Amongst them are these few Barringtonia acutangula trees, with a low branching habit and pale yellowish leaves, next to a very beautiful cliff face. However, I would not dare to stand near this area on a rainy day for safety reasons.

At this location, I could see the ongoing development of the Reflections at Keppel Bay from a different angle. Below it was a standaone black and white colonial bungalow. The owner of it must be very, very rich to afford such an exclusive location.

Sentosa island was just across the side of the sea. Legend has it that there was an underground bunker, right where I was standing, that led from this part of Labrador Nature Reserve to the exotic island. However, according to a source who went into the bunker, it was bombed and the tunnel was already sealed. The place I was standing on is identified by the red obelisk.

After a turn and a short stretch of walk, there was a ComChest Garden planted with lots of plants, that somehow didn't quite seem to fit in with the coastal landscape and the environment. It sort of transported one to an urban garden landscape.

I would be back soon for another recce of the site. This time round, I would try to take more photos.