28 July 2010


These were just some of the beautiful orchids on display during SGF 10. The last one was on sale at Woon Leng although I didn't know its name.

Did anyone lose their slippers during the show? There were plenty of them around. For those who knows me, they would know I adore Slipper Orchids in general. How I wish I could grow them.

If I remember correctly, the white flower Habenaria medusae was one of the winners in the competition in the last show in 2008. I guess it is not easy to grow it too? I personally prefer the other pinkish orangey Habenaria rhodocheila which is sometimes on sale at Far East Flora. A photo taken from the web is attached after H. medusae. The flowers resemble small figurines.

The clusters of white flowers is the white form of the Dendrobium bracteosum. It's cool, isn't it?