When I was in the army, I had to book in to my camp at the end of the one of the roads everyday and I would drop by this stall, rain or shine without fail, for their wanton noodles and soup wantons and a neighbouring stall for their coconut drink on a daily basis. Since leaving the army, I only came by the few times for the food and the coconut drink.
But this time round, I had no luck. The stall was closed, and it seemed for good because the signage no longer featured the wanton noodles etc. I guessed the elderly couple retired after so many years of being hawkers.
So I ordered fish ball noodles instead and took away several flavours of pancakes, like what I did the last couple of times. I have a soft spot for the authentic peanut pancakes, and not the types with peanut paste in shopping malls etc.