22 March 2011


This Tree Jasmine (synonym: Mayodendron igneum; Family: Bignoniaceae) is a tree that I have been worrying for quite a while because it has been leaning for some time now. The fact that it is a one of a kind tree that I came across and planted makes it all the more precious to me.

However, I am happy though that the tree has grown so much since the time I planted it. In fact, the crown is so full of healthy dark green leaves and the contrasting tubular orangey-yellow flowers with purple sepals are just such a joy to look at. Even the purplish new feathery-like leaves are so delightfully enchanting.

A link on this tree is shown here:

Oh yes, this is not a new species of Grass Tree (scientific name: Xanthorrhoea species; Family: Xanthorrhoeaceae) indigenous to Australia. It is just dead! Previously known commonly as the Blackboy, this derogatory and racist common name was dropped. 2 links on this interesting prehistoric looking plant are shown below: